Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Wednesday’s Words of Wisdom

It's not enough to be busy, so are the ants.
The question is, what are we busy about?

~ Henry David Thoreau



If you are in the Jacksonville/St. Johns area and would like your home better organized, and would like the assistance of a professional organizer, e-mail juliebavi@gmail.com  You can also find me on Facebook by clicking HERE or searching for Organize With Julie.  Stalk me on twitter @juliebavi.




Unknown said...

Um...the answer to that is supposed to be Facebook and Wii, right?


Your Organizing Guru said...

... and Twitter... don't forget Twitter. :)
I think the point is not to not have ANY fun.. but to be wise about the choices we make it what makes us so busy. Often we are so overwhelmed with being busy that we neglect to see the things we are busy with have little value (whether in the current hour or eternal).
Recreation is good! Good for mind, relationships, body, and soul.