Thursday, August 12, 2010

Thursday’s Words of Wisdom

The larger the island of knowledge,
the longer the shoreline of wonder. 

~ Ralph W. Sockman


If you are in the Jacksonville/St. Johns area and would like your home better organized, and would like the assistance of a professional organizer, e-mail  You can also find me on Facebook by clicking HERE or by searching for Organize With Julie.  Stalk me on twitter @juliebavi.



Unknown said...

I *LOVE* this one! And it's on Thursday this time! I'm going to hold on to this one.

Your Organizing Guru said...

Well, you know how I like to mix things up sometimes just to see who notices. ;)
The current series of Wednesday Words of Wisdom (or in this case, Thurs) Quotes are all about education. We are in "back to school" mode here! Glad you enjoyed it.