Friday, January 13, 2012

It’s A New Day!

Every day is a new day to make new choices in life.  At the beginning of the year (just two short weeks ago) many of us probably made some resolutions.  Whether they were blind, or well thought out, look back on them and ask yourself how are you doing so far?  If you are meeting the challenge: Great!  Well done!  You have a reason to be proud!  If you have fallen behind: Give yourself some grace for each day is a new day.

What kind of resolutions did you make for 2012?  How are you doing with meeting those challenges? 
I have some goals for this next year.  They basically involve health and “unspending”.  So far there have been good days and bad days for each – but I have comfort in knowing that no matter what happens on this one day, I will try my best, but tomorrow is a new day.

What are you going to to with your tomorrow?  Make it great!


To celebrate Get Organized Month, Attend the FIRST ever ASK THE ORGANIZER!  Monday January 23 at 9:30 I will be having a casual meet and greet time.  If you would like to join me at Panera Bread and pick my brain, please RSVP on our Facebook page under Events. 


If you are in the Jacksonville/St. Johns area and would like your home better organized, and would like the assistance of a professional organizer, e-mail  You can also find me on Facebook by clicking HERE or by searching for Organize With Julie.  Stalk me on twitter @juliebavi.

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