Thursday, January 17, 2013


Greetings!  We're halfway through the first month of a new year.  Don't you just love packing up the Christmas decor, sending the kids back to school, and getting life back to "normal"?  I have been a purging and organizing fool around my house.  The bug has finally bit me to let go of things I was holding onto.  I used some of the same excuses you do "I have the space for it" or the ever popular "I may need that someday".  It's easy to justify holding onto stuff sometimes.  You know what's an even better feeling though?  Letting go of stuff!  Freeing your space and your mind of the clutter.  Letting someone else benefit from the things you pass on to them.  What could a professional organizer possibly have to purgeArt supplies, books, outgrown workbooks, coloring books (where did all of these coloring books come from in the first place?!) - donated to the school.  Pantry items - to the local food bank.  Toys and clothes - to the consignment sale or handed down to friends. Magazines and catalogs - into the recycle bin.  Each week is like a new treasure hunt to see what I can purge next.

So tell me: What's cluttering up your house and mind?  What do you need to purge from your home and life?  Do you need some help along the way?  That's what I'm here for!

If you are in the Jacksonville/St. Johns area and would like your home better organized (or you want some help Simplifying YOUR Season), and would like the assistance of a professional organizer, e-mail  You can also find me on Facebook by clicking HERE or by searching for Organize With Julie.  Stalk me on twitter @juliebavi.

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