Saturday, September 17, 2011

The countdown has begun!

It is still Summer here; Fall has not yet “officially” begun.  But friends, it is a mere 99 days until Christmas. 

While we here at OWJ do not start Simplifying the Season with you for a few more weeks, we thought it was worth the mention.  The clock is ticking.

Don’t forget to check out the countdown with List Mama, Jennifer Tankersly of List Plan It. There will be plenty of things to learn in her daily emails as well. 

Meanwhile we will dust off our Simplify the Season Crate of OWJ wisdom and giveaways.  Stay tuned here for ways to ease into your holiday planning with us for Simplify the Season 2011!


If you are in the Jacksonville/St. Johns area and would like your home better organized, and would like the assistance of a professional organizer, e-mail  You can also find me on Facebook by clicking HERE or by searching for Organize With Julie.  Stalk me on twitter @juliebavi.

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